Again and Again

By Ripitup

Mans best friend

The dog. Clearly, the handbag is a womans best friend.

I have pondered for an hour or two, whilst walking my dogs, which of 4 pictures to choose for today. I'd narrowed it down to poppies in an olive grove, a castle on the lake, a spectacular display of fruit and this one.

Had this lady been in more typical Italian footwear (much, much higher and much, much more colourful) and if there could have been a bicycle in the background, there would have been absolutely no competition. I find that it sums up pretty well the visual images I will keep of my last few days.

The ladies around the Italian lakes certainly love their dogs and their handbags. This breed, which I love, was not that common but I have seen countless smaller breeds, often in their own handbags. They have been on ferries, in speedboats, bike carriers and seated in restuarants. I couldn't resist a few pictures.

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