Growing old disgracefully



Mhairi Black gave a very moving and sensitive speech at this evening's commemoration in the Paisley Peace Garden. There were around 70 people there. 

A gloriously sunny day, all the more enjoyable after the long spell of rain.  Worked flat out in the garden for most of it.  Too busy to draw today - maybe I should just keep it for rainy days. We are so enjoying all the juvenile birds that are around at the moment - like teenage humans, they do seem to like to hang about, strutting their stuff and doing nothing much at all.  The woodpecker family have had a good year.  We're not sure how many chicks there were, but at least one is regularly in the garden.  It is now quite mature and beginning to lose it's red plumage - see extra. 

Ah, it seems I unwittingly reached my fourth Blip birthday today.  It feels quite different from previous milestones - maybe because Blipfoto seems so much less certain than before with no contact from BlipCentral and so much of the functionality that I knew and loved gone.  I get the feeling that there is much less activity now.  But I still value what I find here, the lovely friends, some known to me, some i've never met  - all of whom I value for the shared values and the generous sharing of life's joys, sorrow and the everyday.  Thanks, everyone!

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