
By Instography


A day of tendering so to get away from that in the evening the lid makes some progress. The boards are out of their clamps, cut down to size and the excess cut off the long edges. These are joined to the raw ends of the short edges with biscuits and glue. All very straightforward. The long edges are easy to cut on the table saw since the edge of the board is straight.The the short edges aren't - the boards are all different lengths - so they get cut with the circular saw. A bit chewed if you look closely. Nae good. I'll need to speak to the guru at the weekend and see what I should have done. I think I should have cut it straight but too long with the circular saw and then used that straight edge to cut it to size on the table. Idiot.

In the meantime it's filler and extra sanding as a punishment exercise. 

Write out 100 times: I will not cut anything important with a circular saw ...

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