Five Arrive

It might have been yesterday, it might have just become was very late or very early, but Gi and Carol arrived at last around midnight. After hugs and chat and a blowing up of airbeds we all flopped down for the night.

Poor Pelly didn't know what was going on and she clung to my side or hid away from little fingers and noisy voices. I kept being shot the look....what the hell is going on?...but she survived. 

It was lovely to wake up to a house full of people and to catch up. I don't see as much of my brother and the family as I'd like and so it was great that they stopped off here on their way to Scotland. 

This morning we ran across the Green...well three little people ran...and had a play on the swings and roundabouts before they headed on up North. 

Now the house is very quiet and peaceful....Pelly is well I'm happy to be able to chill and put my feet up and not have to answer a lot of questions or wonder what other of my little treasures have been found and fiddled with...but I wouldn't mind another one of those cuddly bear hugs...  

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