Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ballet in the Buddleia

I have it bad...hummie-fever, that is.  I just can't seem to stop myself.  Actually, I made it through the first hour this morning without taking a single hummie shot ...and then, well, I caved.  I was doing so well... ... until P-Hummie proceeded to do his amazing dance through the air in the buddleia.  He hovered and flew up, down, forward and backward for a solid minute before zooming off - enough time for me to rapidly fire off 30 shots.  This one is my favorite because it gives you a sense of how quickly they reverse direction in mid flight.  Watching these tiny creatures fly is just amazing - the moves they make shouldn't even be possible and yet...there they go.

I am going to try really hard NOT to blip a hummingbird for at least the next two days.  Can't guarantee anything, of course.

But, in case you want to see some non-hummers, I've posted 3 shots on Flickr, starting HERE with a juvenile scarlet tanager, a yard-first  And if you just must see one more hummer, click HERE

Expecting Hilly and her hubs to arrive in another hour or so.  Planning a simple dinner of linguine with pesto and some fresh local tomatoes for dinner.  Everything is so fresh and luscious right now!  Shelley and Al will be arriving later in the evening - their guest suite awaits, overlooking the Bistro.

Comments are going to be more sparse than usual these next few days as I plan to fully enjoy the company of my fellow blippers!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Camera details:  Nikon D750 with Nikkor 300mm f/4 lens, 1/800, f/5.6, ISO 800, handheld

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