'The user's entries are protected'??!!

.................Haven’t had a ‘RANT’ for ages so I’m going to have one now....................

Obviously most of this RANTING is coming from Ann, because I am a gorgeous little collie.  And gorgeous little collie’s do not RANT?!

Since the fabulous, amazing, all encompassing, new look, Polariod/Blip (NOT!!!).................... I haven’t had a RANT for ages.  I also haven’t bothered looking at, or commenting on, anywhere near as many BLIPS as I used to in the ‘good old days’.

So today, I think I must have been a bit bored, I clicked on someone who has left me quite a few comments recently.  I thought I’d have a look at his/her journal and see just exactly who was stalking following me??!!

............And guess what?  When I clicked onto their journal a message popped up that said; ‘The user’s entries are protected’..............................

......................Try as I might......................  I really do not understand why anybody would post stuff on the internet and then try to ‘protect’ their entries.  Let’s face it – absolutely anything, posted on the internet, even if it is ‘so called private’, actually isn’t. ............One ‘SHARE’ from a ‘so called friend’ and it could be around the globe in seconds???!!!   It’s almost like BLIP is trying to copy Facebook??  Obviously when I clicked onto ‘Mr/Ms Stalker’ and couldn’t ‘connect’ with them I didn’t bother to click on the ‘follow’ button???  ...............Why on earth would I, when I haven’t a clue who I would be following???

The whole BLIP experience these days, just seems totally detached from what it was four & a half  years ago.

..............I’m sticking with it; ...........because BLIP for me, has just been about recording the daily events of our life.  Though I have to admit I’ve met some really, really, lovely people through the BLIP community who I would hope that I would stay in touch with forever.  Though since the fabulous Polariod takeover we haven’t made any new friends.

OK – that’s it.  RANT over. 

.............Except to say...................  Does anyone actually know who’s running BLIP these days????

Oh & PS this is a photo of me at Porthmeor Beach in St Ives.  Gorgeous little collies are not allowed on this beach in the summer.  Boohoo.  Not mega busy because the sun didn’t come out properly till about 4pm.

Edited - Just looked at last years BLIP & I was blipped in almost the exact same place. Look here.  Sunnier weather & a busier beach.  Lol!

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