
It was quite a busy day.

The Edinburgh festival Fringe is here!  MrsCyclops was an extremely enthusiastic Fringe goer pre baby, so she was keen to take BabyCyclops along to things this year.  It has been hard to work out what might be suitable though.  And a lot of kids things seem to be at 11am which is nap time.

So experimentally, MrsCyclops took BabyCyclops along to a naptime show today.  It was called Ali McGregor's Jazzamatazz! and was a jazz-style disco for little kids.  BabyCyclops enjoyed the singing and the band, and it was a successful trip although he was exhausted and grinchy by the time we got home.  Review here.

Post actual nap, we went up to Jenn’s Den for a roam about (BabyCyclops) and a gossip and a cake with DrC (MrsCyclops).  As the weather was stunning Jenn’s Den was deserted.


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