I have noticed that the weather is always slow to start down here.  What I mean is that the sun doesn't come out to play until late morning.  And that was the case today.  And when it did come out it was hot in between a few clouds.

I worked in the garden Summer House, clearing it out and putting up fairy lights and bunting, while Mr A erected Ventian Blinds to Matthew's room to help him have more privacy and better light diffusion.

After we had worked hard most of the day, we took Phoebs down to the beach as usual.  It wasn't busy at 17.40 with less dogs about to frighten her.  We have noticed that she has been quite fearsome of late since her last black dog encounter.  But she eventually overcame her fears and enjoyed a long paddle in the sea.

After our evening meal, we went up to the top veranda and watched the sun go down.  The smaller picture is of the beach when we arrived.  I am going to try and make a small tea light in stained glass using this  as a design.

Enjoy your weekend, especially all you hard working types. xxx

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