twinned with trumpton


Let's do the edited version, shall we? Otherwise we'll be here all day.

Up, tidied, hovered etc. Out to supermarket for supplies; just up the road and back again. Oh and a haircut.

I was granted time with my own children for 8 hours today - ****** ******** *****. (I'm under instructions from my legal team to say little, so....)
Got them 11, all bouncing, bright and full of vigour. Lunch at mine - pulled pork wraps with salad and coleslaw; tasty!

Then a bus to town; Meadows for sunny japes, watching acrobats throw themselves 30 feet in the air, met her for sun worshipping, and then me and the boys went to the BBC tent for a show about space and rockets.

An engaging 45 minutes, in which the only person picked from the audience to go onstage was Tom (see extra).

Mark Thompson was making a comet and he added all the ingredients until he got to the last one and he asked for someone to guess what it was. Tom's hand shot up and he ran onto the stage and was asked to sniff / guess what the final ingredient was.

"hmmmm... poo??!??"
To much laughter, it was cow dung. He was thrilled, Alex was in awe of his famous big brother.

Then a bus home, dropped them and a quick turnaround and biked back into town; to Kismot for a gorgeous curry and a wonderful evening of just the two of us.

Back to hers; and home by 1. (I only know this from text messages trail; I was very "tired" after a long day) But so good to hang out with the boys, her on a sunny summer's day :) :) :)

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