A Dog's Dinner

By G

Flaming June.....

.......flaming Nora!

We planned to go for a summer afternoon beach stroll this afternoon in the dampish weather so we packed some tea in a flask, a snack wrapped in greaseproof paper and donned out waterproof togs just in case.

We arrived in the teeth of a gale with the temperatures dipping like a stone but never daunted we set off to the beach.

Half an hour later were were frozen and soaked to the skin!

When I say 'soaked to the skin' I don't mean 'dampish' but soaked to the very skin, so much so that we had to change when we got home.

Now we're recovering in our pj's, sipping hot chocolate laced with brandy while nibbling on some toast and jam, nice and cosy but I thought we were supposed to be lounging around in shorts by the banks of a barbecue at this time of year?

The British summer - don't you just love it. Have a look at a very big empty beach!

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