I know my sister will tell me it's not called that any more, but I don't know what it is called and this sounds better anyway.

It was chucking it down this morning and we had to go and get more boxes from the removal people, because they only brought me big ones on Monday and then said "don't put books in them or we'll drop down dead" or words to that effect. I nearly said "you were meant to bring me little boxes to put books in" but I didn't think that would help.

After lunch I noticed my new toaster (the one I had to get as a replacement last night, because the one we had made burning smells yesterday morning - we hadn't used it since Sunday so it had no reason to - and when I tested it all sparks came out...) had a big scrape on it. So we went to Asda to get another toaster. And guess what we saw outside....

Alexander was trying the handles and I didn't stop him.

Using my amazing powers of intuition, I concluded there was some sort of chocolate-related promotion going on, so we left Asda one toaster and a half a caramel wafer richer.

Then I went to the carpet warehouse where Alexander went bonkers. I think he thought it was his own personal cave. He certainly helped himself to their chocolate biscuits and then ran off down an alley of carpet remnants not to be seen again for half an hour. We could hear him though. In the interim I managed to persuade the man to give me a discount on carpeting my whole new house.

All the places I've been today, they called me 'pal' (execpt Asda, to be strictly truthful, it's probably against their policy). Generally in my opinion that's a sign of a day well spent.

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