Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Birthday (minus one day!)

Pa-in-law has a birthday tomorrow (turning the ripe age of 86) and as Monday is a work day we celebrated a day early. Out to lunch at a local restaurant, followed by coffee back at ours. With being out yesterday didn't have time to make a cake but the local supermarket helped out.

Pleased to say he was happy with his present (new cardigan) but saving his card until tomorrow.

Lovely to see my sister who popped over for a coffee (and a piece of cake) and a catch up.

(We have been waiting to hear from our daughter on when her husband is home - he had got a flight part way on Wednesday and waiting for the next stage. We had spoken to her on Thursday evening but still not home. Whatsap'd her this morning to find out he got home Friday! Looking forward to this week when we see them.)

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