horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Cor (bridge)

Morning began checking the night vision camera trap I'd set in the field that Sam and Joss own. Set the night before with the express intention of capturing a badger, one duly obliged. Only briefly, and seemed to turn its nose up at the peanuts I had on offer (a fox then spent half an hour or so triggering the camera as it polished most off). The badger screenshot is the extra.

Then breakfast at the Running Fox in Felton (lovely wee village, and the Running Fox is a gem), before a trip to Corbridge for the 'Re' store, and a wander for ten minutes before that opened. Easy enough spin north, sunny in the garden so sat out partaking of early gin, while listing a few eBay items as the chooks sunbathed.

Managed to turn my hand back to some brewing as well, after the really good test batch I did a little while back. 25 litres are now fermenting. 50 bottles' worth. Just hope it works!

Sunday night blues in effect.

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