his master’s voice

This is my friend Monty listening to another friend, Tim, add a bass line to a CD we’re recording.  Monty is a professional musician - in that he makes his living through various music related activities - guitar playing, recording, promoting and organising gigs of various sorts. 

In 2010, he invited me to join a band he’d put together to play in Germany; I was all set to go but cancer and the resulting vocal palsy, had other ideas.  He said at the time he would save a place for me on the next tour, once I got my a voice back.  Neither of us had any idea it would take 5 years.

He called me again a few weeks ago to invite me to Germany in October and this time I was able to say yes.  Today we did some rehearsing and recording at his studio in Leicestershire.  And had a lot of fun.  

The caption refers to my extra photo; Monty’s West Highland White Terrier, who managed to sleep through the entire thing.  

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