W is for Waiting

The pointy-eared pointy-eyed neighbourhood cat was hanging around a lot at work today.

We had electricians trying to pinpoint what was setting the alarm off yesterday; apparently it was going berserk at 8pm and 4am again. We weren't back from walkies when they arrived but they said the cat was sitting on the doorstep when they arrived. They presumed it was my mum's and thought nothing of it when it followed us all in the house. Until my mum's yell of "oh no you don't, get out!" 

It then went and waited under the work van until Stella and I came out again. It came over for a fuss but when Stella went on her patrol of the garden it couldn't take its eyes of her (really must find out if this is a boy or girl instead of it if it's going to visit so often!) It follows her around gazing lovingly at her and neither attempts to aggravate the other. Quite sweet really! 

When we came back indoors it went and sat by my car so I went and gave it a see you later fuss and got a meow meow for my trouble. Stella doesn't get jealous of this one, they have formed an odd friendship it seems.

After lunch I watched it eyeing up the pigeons but it heard me at the window and turned to see me. Then attempted to get in the house again until Mum intervened! 

W on Instagram was a Wooden jigsaw with whimsy pieces :) 

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