at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


I just can't get over how easy Briar is to take care of, she's so chirpy! And she sleeps for such big stretches at a time. She's been so angelic today I keep waiting for her to declare herself starving or be grumpy and it just hasnt happened.

Willow on the other hand isn't hhaving a good day. She's clearly in pain and is crying in her sleep. After Dinner she just wouldn't settle, until I realised she was hungry and let her attempt a breastfeed.

A doctor came today and told me they were going another 24 hours with no changes to 'see what happened'- I said I could tell then exactly what would happen, she would be sick and loose even more weight, just like the last 24. So willows been booked for a barium swallow test tomorrow to see how her stomach works. I appreciate why they take things slowly, but it was getting ridiculous.

Our Dietician has finally been convinced to let us run willows pump overnight (we've been asking for this since we first realised willow vomits less overnight), unfortunately due to a shortage of hours in the day her pump also has to run most of the day too. She'll be on for 20 hours a day. I got asked to choose what 4 hours I wanted as her break, I've gone for 6pm - 10pm as otherwise Euan would only get to play with her I'l at weekends. Means she can also get a bath and a normal baby bedtime including hopefully being hungry enough to have a bedtime breastfeed. Quite sad that it's come to her being tied to her machine all the time, but we knew it was bound to happen sometime. Hopefully briar will continue to go big stretches between feeds so that when we gee home willow can spend lots of time in a wrap on her pump, instead of sitting in her chair all the time. Continuous feeds should help with her growing and being sick- but we might have problems trying to wean her.

Ivy went to play at janices house this morning to let Euan get on with some housework. I'm told she had a great time. Euan tried to get scuba (the floor cleaning robot that I got off gumtree) working. He had to give up when ivy got home because she's really frightened of Hoover type objects. I'm rather disappointed it's not running, was going to be very proud of my kitchen floor being cleaned daily.

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