
By beckie

Family Garner

Early start this morning, back up the road to Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast for a bit of a spontaneous photo shoot with this amazing family!
They are one of the loveliest, warmest, welcoming families I know! 
They have been through SO much as a family over recent years, and with all the madness still find time to have fun, laugh and live life to the fullest!!
I was an absolute pleasure to be asked to photograph them.. I wasn't going to post this tonight, but while uploading the images to the computer, this one just jumped out at me and made me smile... this (i think) sums up the fun-ness they ooze! 

Thank you for the Tea, the views, the laughs, the sunshine, the inspiration & the smiles... you guys are fantastic!!

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely"

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