A little thing of joy

The rainbow.
Observed whilst stood up straight in the garden this afternoon.
Had to move quickly into the house to grab the camera and did so with very little discomfort.

Oh yeah.

Wondrous thing of joy.

That would be my osteopath. The woman who identified exactly what spot on my lower back was the source of my agonising pain without me telling her. The woman who very very gently treated me for half an hour, with no bone cracking or sudden moves, and who executed nothing short of a miracle.

I couldn't bend forwards when I went in to her. It hurt to sit, or to stand back up again. When she had finished, I could touch my toes!

I have exercises to do. I am now tender, but due to the manipulation. I have been able to walk and get up and down the stairs this evening. I have had no drugs today either.

I know, I know - don't get excited. Slow road to recovery. Baby steps. Yadda Yadda. I realise tomorrow that I am going to be sore still, as I am getting to be now. But sore and moving is way better than sore and incapable of doing anything without wanting to cry or needing to ask for help.

So, Jo....wonderwoman. Thanks. You have made my return to my wonderful colleagues and my students a reality on Monday and that is above all else what I wanted.

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