Pixel H

By PixelH


I remember watching the fireworks when I was a *lot* younger. sitting on my dads shoulders, wondering why this was a safer place to be, from the crowds of people apparently, when I was getting showered on by hot spent fireworks.....

Anyway, tonight has a sentimentality all of its own. Its like the world was celebrating. All day I was surrounded by the feeling that things had changed and an air of optimism.....i guess thats what comes of working with an organisation that has an international feel to it. It's really special. I was very proud today, of all my American friends and pleased for them too. Kristin told me today, that it was the first time ever, that people had asked whether she felt proud to be American. Crazy. No one ever asks me whether I'm proud to be Scottish. A) it's a given and B) I'd nut them in an effort to explain how proud I am.....(we cannny help it.....)

There's certain times that you remember for all of your life. I hear my folks talking about where they were when Kennedy was shot, when the first man walked on the moon, the last time they saw Haleys comet...... :-)

Today, I want to remember where I was when Obama was elected. Who I spoke to on this day and what it was about. Okay, this photo from Cambridge's Guy Fawkes night might not be the best picture that I took ever (i didn't manage to fit the tripod into the hand luggage after all), but it stirs up warm thoughts of the past, great ones of today, and hopefully, in the time to come, some great memories.

Bring it on.

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