
By ChrisGroucutt

'80s kid

It would seem I've been a little preoccupied with all things retro of late. This isn't a bad thing of course, just a little strange as I've always been very much a futurist.

But as it happens at the moment I'm having a lot of fun with past time pastimes, and showing the little'uns how things used to be. They struggle to understand how my generation could pour coin after coin into a space invaders game which essentially doesnt really ever develop, bar getting a bit faster each level.

To be honest looking back its a struggle for me to understand it as well, but pour away we did, and after finding an online retro games website, I've been loving all the old games... Invaders, q-bert, asteroids, defender, scramble, Gorf, galaxians, tempest... All of 'em

Except pacman.. Was always rubbish at pacman. That game was whack. (a-wac-a-wac-a-wac-a-wac...)

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