Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Weary Travellers


Up ridiculously early (4 am) to travel to the airport for the annual Weegie holiday.  Last year....Oban, this year....Majorca. Although at least Oban didn't involve a flight at stupid o'clock! Here's hoping the effort is worth it.

Panic attack....we have hired a car and no longer have a valid credit card.  I cut it up a few months ago after joyously paying it off, determined never to use the evil things again.  Checked online and the car hire company will accept a debit card if you take out additional local insurance  (probably insuring against bird poo on the paintwork or something equally useless!!).  We have no choice.  Lesson learned.

One Weegie really doesn't like flying, and required all of my counselling skills to keep her on the plane until after take off.

Majorca is lovely, a first visit for us, and after picking up the car a trip to Port de Pollenca for two weeks.   Fiat 500 L (the big Fiat), car has voice recognition....set to German, we changed to English,,,didn't seem to understand Weegie.  Perhaps I should inform Fiat of a new language requirement?

Problem with the apartment which means we have to spend 5 nights at a sister apartment.  Terrace has wonderful views of the local mountains.  
Here's a Wee Weegie recovering from the stresses of travel.

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