
By MamaOfBoys


I have a few this week, hence why i'm back blipping. I've been super busy and when i do manage to sit i seem to find i fall asleep so not much writing has been down.

Today was the first of the next 2 or maybe 3 weeks of meetings.

This was a 3 hour one, going over mar's ados and cognitive report with school- his teacher, the senco, mars current teacher aid and Marleys case worker withe the ministry of education.

We talked over goals, strategies and further funding options for mar to have help in class.

Andre took the day off to come to the meeting, i go to these a lot on my own and this was the longest one to date and i didn't feel like being alone. Though it was positive and productive they do have to talk about what they cant do so they know what to work on.That can not only be tough talking about what your child cant do but its draining as a mama because i feel like i'm failing.

They re emphasized that what mar cant do can be taught.

When we got home, i had the housework to do so Andre took care of Harper, later on he offered to do dinner so i taught him how to make cheese sauce, thought it would be a good skill to have- to make white sauce then turn into other sauces.

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