WideAngleWednesday - X Again - With or Without

Sunburst over Mrs W's Front Garden.

I was first inspired by HCB and took an equivalent 'Books' shot with our CD collection.  Later on I spotted Mrs W's front garden was a blaze of colour, so I proceeded to shoot that as well. 

After a few conventional landscape shots I decided to try some portrait orientated shots but found the sun was still just above the yardarm (well rooftop anyway).  Nothing ventured nothing gained so I tried blocking out the sun with my thumb - being 10mm my thumb was part of the shot (see extra) so I tried some straight shots which didn't really work, but I did like the sunburst.  So after a LOT of PS work here is my Sunburst over Mrs W's Front Garden.

ps - the lens flare  is a feature .  .  .

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