Witchcraft and Magic

13th  Aug 2015:

Alfred from Wells For Zoe and i went to Dzandi to start the training in shallow wells. 3 shallow wells will be dug for the training. Communities prepared bricks, stones and sand. The training started with digging the Wells.
Our Dzandi group found 6 experienced well diggers to dig the well and . We managed to reduce the price to 15.000mkw per well.  I asked women if they could find someone from their villages to dig the wells but they couldnt. Prople in Dzandi believe in magic and only certain men can dig wells and actually find water while others can dig but never find water, they always reach a stone. 
Concerning black magic in the village, there is concern about sleeping in the village, concerned by Chewa people's magic and gule wamkulu. 
Was this in the risk assessment?! Haha.  They sleep in the resthouse in Linthipe 10km away from the village. 

Alfred is shown her in blue measuring and setting out the well. He is also teaching them about making the well cover.

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