Just a .......

Turtle on a log.

We have seen this turtle (or one just it like it) sunning itself at Green Pond for a while now.  But every time (and I mean EVERY time!) we would drive by with camera at the ready it would slide into the water!  Very annoying!

Tonight after supper * we tried for a picture one more time.  Bingo! He/she actually stayed put this time!  And we were able to drive by it several times. 

* There was an interesting op-ed in the paper recently regarding the use of the words supper/dinner in describing the evening meal.  Which do you use? I find I use them both interchangeably. 

Just a reminder: Tomorrow is Throwback Thursday!  Please tag your entries "TBT02" and "Throwback Thursday".  Minus the quote marks, of course!

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