
I have a lot of back blipping to do as I get time but I thought it was about time I got back into blipping.
Thank you to everyone for the nice comments and stars and forgive me for not having time to reply.Since returning from holiday it has been very hectic.
In the picture is a new addition to our family who is keeping Cat on his toes.Do not believe that innocent look she is a full time terror and into everything.

Nothing piss_s me off more than cowardice.My daughter had a note left on her car today to do with parking.What sort of small minded cowardly snivelling piece of scum leaves a complaining note.I have always believed that if you have something to say have the guts to say it to their face.She was very upset I could have made sure they would not have been able to write another note for a few months.
I detest the way this country is going with its mealy mouthed politically correct snivelling crap we are turning into. Canada  was such a breath of fresh air.Viewing Europe from the other side of the Atlantic it does look small and a self obsessed mess which it is.
You may not feel better for reading this but I do.

Very warm and humid today and storms for tonight according to the forecast which is always more drama than fact.

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