Noo's cakes

Noo and GravyC made these beauties while I was drowning at work today. They taste fab!!! Noo did the blue eyes with a cocktail stick dipped in icing. Everything has to have blue eyes.......

I think I have been wetter today than I have ever been before! Much to the amusement of all the dry people of Uckfield. It was drizzly all morning, but there was a sudden and torrential downpour just about 1/3 of the way into my round. Within 2 minutes I was soaked to the skin! There was water running down the High Street, which I had to wade across, and a couple of idiot car drivers obviously thought I wasn't wet enough! At one point I couldn't actually walk because my feet were slipping about inside my shoes. All highly amusing!! I actually love getting wet and walking in the rain, but delivering post in those conditions is quite a challenge. My feet are still wizened..........

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