at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Lovely lips

It may not have been obvious from photos, but willows lips always looked terrible - dry and blistered. Look at them today! They're lovely, continious feeds are doing her alot of good- she was up 100g today and has finally broken past the 3.8kg barrier. There's even talk of home (Just for the weekend, but still super exciting). Continuous feeding seems to have made her permenantly hungry, so she's been very hard work today- she doesn't really know that feeding will fix being hungry and just screams instead. but after alot of kajoling I managed to get her to do 4 or 5 breastfeeds. Briar wasn't particularly impressed with me being so occupied- it'll be much easier to nurse two at home where I can tandem if needed.

Today's change to the feeding regime has been at my request, to put her back on her original high calorie formula, without any thickener. I want to try this because we can get 500ml premade packs of it on prescription that can attach directly to the pump for 24 hours. If this doesn't suit her, well have to buy formula (lots of it since it needs to be extra concentrated) and change it in the pump every 4 hours. I hate making formula- I breastfeed because I am far too lazy to clean bottles and boil
Kettles. Willow did a huge vomit just as I was switching her to New (old) milk - it was good she didn't do it 10 minutes later or we'd have assumed the infitrini didn't agree with her. It's going well so far- rather annoyingly, if her old milk works with the only real change being putting it continuously overnight, then we've rather wasted 2 weeks - this is what Euan and I asked for all along.

Ivy went to the beach today with Euan and matt & Mellisa who are visiting from London before they leave for the states.

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