
By endorfin

she's gone

Emily took off for Denver today, back to college in the states.

I took her up to Heathrow to see her off. The whole leaving thing is so weird.

We went out yesterday for a coffee together and talked about how the new experience might be and the things to look forward to and also the difficulties of settling into another completely new environment.

All in all she is pretty cool about it but with that underlying apprehension about the unknown. Having already done it last year in Louisiana though, she at least has the experience of dealing with those first few weeks where absolutely everything is new and you are completely on your own. I just know she will take it in her stride.

Anyway back to the leaving thing... For all our conversation yesterday, the drive today up to Heathrow was almost quiet - we listened to music instead and then we got there and we had a coffee in the airport ... We both probably knew in our minds that it was all just about delaying the inevitable ... The time to say goodbye!

Emily came up with the master plan ... No hugs - just say goodbye, see you in 4 months.

And that what we did! ... A quick high five... sort of paying homage to her destination... then a slap on the back and she was off through security ... No tears, just smiles ( all just camouflage for our inner feelings of course) but it worked perfectly and we both had smiles on our faces as we parted.

I did make her stop for a photo though ... It was always going to be my blip for the day.

I think she knew that too!

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