An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A sad frog tale

Poor little froggy came to an unpleasant end.

It all started on Christmas Day. The day of the BIG storm. A lovely summer's day and then all hell broke loose in the form of giant hail stones, and lots of them. Being on top of a hill, we escaped the flooding, but not a broken window (and flooding in the roof). I won't even go into the wrecked garden and the end of my summer veggies and fruit... still too painful to contemplate (I was so looking forward to the olives).

Because the window was broken and the rain was coming in, I did a very quick and bodgy repair with a large sheet of picture frame glass and silicone glue on the inside of the window, which completely covered the broken part. Six months later and it is still there of course. The window frame is so rotten that I can't replace the glass without replacing the frame - and it's a very big window (lots of $$$).

So, I have no idea when this little frog somehow managed to get between the two sheets of glass (it's in the least used room in the house, so n0-one noticed it), but it must have kept getting further and further in until it couldn't move either way and just starved to death and now it's sort of mummified and stuck there. Very sad.... I like frogs (I don't like to think that I caused it's death, even accidentally) and I've been saving it for a day when I had no other photos to blip! Now I'll have to think of something else to keep to one side for an emergency blip.

NB, If you look closely at the glass, you can see the shape it was before it got desiccated! Poor little fat frog.

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