
By Peahen

Friday goodness (or TGIF)

Thanks to the internet, the tv is now working again and I'm (half) watching the programme I wanted to watch last night. B had a friend over today, they managed some drawing, Lego, helping me start making some jam, Xbox playing, lunch, and a trip to the library. Then we dropped the friend back off home to her mum, who has a small business making and selling crochet items, and had a squidge of a particularly gorgeous hank of silk/merino mix aran that was in her stash . I brought the skein home with me to wind for her. Hopefully you can understand the simple, absorbing satisfaction of transforming a very slightly muddled mass of yarn into a neat 'cake', via a gloriously Heath Robinson swift (like a spinning umbrella minus the cloth outer) and a plastic spindle with handle that's clamped to the table. One hand turns the handle, the other tensions the yarn as it's neatly 'caked' onto the turning spindle. See extras for the finished article. I feel that there may be a g&t in my immediate future. Blip is cross processed because I liked how it handled the points where things cross. The yarn is closer in colour to the extra.

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