Fantastic Friday

It has been a good day today; and the weekend is set to get even better.

I worked this morning, then spent an hour at my sisters looking after this little cutie; she wasn't asleep for long! Theo was also having a nap when I arrived, so I didn't see much of him, just enough for him to show me how he can boing on his trampoline (with added sound effects!) and a quick kiss and cuddle before I had to leave and go to the hairdressers.

My hair took ages to do today, but it looks and feels lovely now. They always do a great job.

Mr A is working at Aston Villa tonight, so I decided to make the most of the alone time by getting my accounts up to date and ready to submit the the accountant at the end of this month I know how to have a good time!. I feel better now it's done.

As he's working late tonight, he gets the day off tomorrow, which is good news as we've been invited back to Samlesbury Hall (see last Sunday's blip) by the beekeeper that we met. He's doing a public hive opening on Sunday, but we can't go as we've booked to do a hawk walk; so he's invited us to go tomorrow instead for our own little viewing.

We are both really excited at the prospect of getting kitted up and seeing the bees at such close quarters.

Hopefully the weather will be ok for both days, but we will have fun whatever happens I'm sure.

Happy weekend blip mates :-)

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