I Am Not Lost

By onanimpulse

bears; truths

ugh so i had this long intricate beautiful post written out and then blipfoto deleted it because fuck blipfoto. really tired and not retyping.

went to a few art museums with other exchange students, this creepy teddy bear shit is by kathy clark -- watch this video 
johannes sveinsson kjarval is also an artist u should look up

picked up my new sort of shitty and overpriced bike, needs brakes to be fixed

apparently nightlife doesn't start here until after midnight, but as a fellow exchange student succintly put it, "nothing good happens after 2," and i am very tired, so i am staying in this friday night.

the other rooms in this apartment are rented out to people on airbnb, so i met these two very bubbly and talkative italian girls from bologna today

general observations about the reykjavik life: the water still smells, groceries are very expensive except for salmon, all of the children here are so happy all of the time, the cafes are omnipresent and wonderful, there's a local band called something along the lines of "death to puffin souvenir shops" which is pretty accurate, buying milk is a lot more complicated than you would expect, and i hope i do not crash my bike with shitty brakes on the way to the repair shop tomorrow

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