Summer shopping in Edinburgh

We have a visitor this weekend. I would like to photograph him, but he's very shy. He got here in time to watch the England match last night. My, that was stressful.

We've been doing domestic stuff so far today, including a visit to Ocean Terminal for shopping, which produced a picture of dreich Leith. The roads and the shoping centre were packed and we could barely squeeze in the car park. I've never seen Ocean Terminal like that. One shop assistant told us that this was because it's Father's Day tomorrow and this is the busiest time for retail outside Christmas and New Year. Duh? Anyway, frankly the shops themselves weren't that busy and there wasn't that much evidence of people frantically buying 'stuff', although those that were must have been buying fur coats to go with their furry warm boots. That's what the autumnal weather demands.

Our visitor is off out for the evening, but Alf and I will hunker down in the autumnal weather and probably watch some more footie. Slightly sad lives....

Oh, and thanks for the kind comments, etc. on yesterday's staircase. I was a bit taken aback to be honest.

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