Bric-a-brac on a ceiling

It was raining, not a particularly inspiring day for going outdoors or doing anything.

I spent most of my day cleaning the flat, catching up with stuff and making a cake with some leftovers I had, which I will take to work.

In the evening I met a few friends to go and see a Fringe show and then we went for a drink to the Dirty Dick's Bar in Rose Street, a rather quirky rustic pub with an amazing selection of whiskies, I noticed... The ceiling was covered with all sorts of bric-a-brac and memorabilia. Couldn't resist taking a shot.

This is a back blip again. Not doing great, am I? haha!

Working at the weekend :(

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts over the last few days. I'll catch up with you as soon as I can. I hope you had a nice day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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