Shakespeare for breakfast - and socks for supper

Our second day at the Edinburgh Fringe started early. We left the house at 09:15 to reach Shakespeare for breakfast at 10:00. We didn't come home again until 01:15 the next morning! Here's our day:

09:15 Leave house equipped for the hard day ahead
10:00 Shakespeare for breakfast
11:00 Quick coffee for Mr hazelh at the Black Medicine Coffee Company
12:00 And now for something completely improvised
13:00 Sushi for lunch at Koyama
14:15 Charity shop browsing
15:20 Gomaar Trilogy with AC
16:30 Tea/coffee, cakes and catch up with AC
18:30 Festival of the spoken nerd with K and J
19:45 Dinner at 56 North with K and J
21:00 Ed Byrne
22:30 Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
23:30 Drinks in the Library bar with sock puppeteer Kev Sutherland, Gbees and pals
00:40 Head home
01:15 Shower and bed

Shakespeare for breakfast wasn't up to its usual standards as far as we were concerned: it usually includes music, dancing and audience participation, but this was all missing. The Gomaar Trilogy was tedious.

We enjoyed all the other shows. My favourite of the day was Festival of the spoken nerd. It was also great to see some friends again after our time away. We have missed them!

Exercise today: lots of walking.

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