See You in Court

Full on Agatha Christie geekery

A production set in Leeds Civic Hall and set up as if it were a court room

The whole production started the minute we arrived. It was all set in the 40s. We were met at the entrance steps by the local Bobby and the press were going round with their old fashioned cameras getting everyone enthused for the court .

We were handed out jury summons cards as we arrived and we sat in the jury bank , so second row from the front .

The clerk of court was in charge of announcements and was formally rounding us up from pre production drinks when proceedings were due to start .

All the corridors were set up for the period . Newspapers , press releases, rules of court . From hat stands to lights and tables , the whole building had been converted .

In the heart of the building was the court which is the central meeting room of the building which needed little converting to be come a convincing court .

Very small and bijoux so it held the realism throughout and it was easy to forget you were actually watching theatre.

Our stating performance and accompanied by awesome dramatic music between scenes .

If you ever get chance to do anything like this then grab the chance

I have seen this twice before but I was still gripped for the whole three hours

An amazing night.

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