The Red Arrows

It's the Eastbourne Air Show this weekend and it's something we'd planned to do ages ago, so Alan drove me there this afternoon. We didn't leave home until 1.30pm and the roads were horrendous so it was nearly 3pm by the time we arrived even though it's only 20 miles away!  

We parked the car about 4 miles away from the beach to make it easier for going home, and we'd put our folding bikes in the car, so cycled to the beach.  It was really busy, but we managed to find a spot  to sit and watch the Blades and then the Red Arrows.  It's been a nice afternoon and fortunately it didn't take as long to get home.

Tomorrow we're heading up North to see my girls, and it's an early start so I'll say goodnight.   

Thank you for all your lovely comments  recently.  I'm sorry I've not had chance to reply to you individually,  but I've read them all and will catch up soon!

I've put some of my other pics in my extra photos.

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