Bill The Cat

By billthecat

The better part of valour is discretion

Mount Keen! What kind of a name is that for a Scottish mountain? Surely it needs to be Ben or Beinn or somesuch. I thought Mount was reserved for the colonies or middle earth?
To be fair I think it comes from monadh or mounth in pictish for hill so fair enough, we invented it.

Anyway, I had to be sensible today and turn back from the last push to the summit because of the stupid rain. All the burns were full to bursting as per the extra photo today. I even saw a dead dear caught on the boulders so I didn't want to follow suit.
So I had to divert way off course on the way up to cross these and ended up tramping for miles across deep heather and bog, scaring up dozens of packs of grouse who were no doubt expecting the boom of the guns and death, but not today. Even the main route path you can see here was a river itself in quite a few places.
With all that effort, it was time to stop, eat and head home as it was getting late. Next time Keen next time.

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