
By witchcreations

the aroma of yoghurt

I'm obsessed at the moment about what manages to go into little un's mouth and then also how we remove the detritus... We seem to be constantly surrounded by the smell of yoghurts...she gets so carried away playing that big blobs completely miss their target and adorn her clothes and the furniture instead... I then pick her up out of her chair and get smeared with the toxic, pink, strawberry stuff... But overall this is a small thing to deal with in order to get her eating...  I'm quite proud of today's list... 

breakfast biscuits, wheatos, banana, egg, cheese, rice, mashed banana and bread, yoghurt, mini chedders, yoghurt (baby crack) snack, beef burger, rice, yoghurt... washed down with lots of milk... I will get this girl well fed and growing...  

I know that I've become a baby bore and many of you won't care what today's menu entailed... but this feels like a huge achievement to me...

and then hallelujah!  I got her in the baby bath tonight... after she got soaked sitting in the bath with the toys, she finally became convinced that it was a good idea to let me remove her clothes... following this I was even able to give her hair a gentle wash with a sponge... removing some of the banana and yoghurt hair gel that she's been modelling recently...

Overall it's been quite a chilled out day by recent standards... a trip to North Berwick, a visit to a cafe, a walk on the beach in the new wellies, an introduction to a spaniel, which must have looked like a horse from little un's angle...playing on the beach with some random children that were nice enough to let her join in, a bounce on  a trampoline... all good appetite and sleep inducing stuff... 

The only alarming thing is that Dave goes back to work tomorrow... paternity leave is finished already!... my tag team partner will be away all day... it's just me and my girl tomorrow... 

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