More cycling!

We were wondering what to do today and one of my friend's mentioned the cycle pad in Exeter. It is like a circuit all marked out like a proper road with roundabouts, stop signs, pedestrian crossings etc. so kids can practise their road sense in a safe environment. See extra photo

So, after bellringing - our penultimate Sunday until the restoration works are complete - we were Exeter bound. Leo had a whale of a time - he seemed to enjoy aiming for his Dad who played the pedestrian on the crossing! I did a quick circuit of the park to get some extra steps in and then, surprise, surprise, we headed to the American Golf store so Ian and Leo could look and plan their next purchases.

We then had a lovely carvery lunch and headed home. The lads watched footie and golf whilst I did an hour on the exercise bike and then collapsed in the sofa for a good read.

Back to work on Monday for a full day for me, before I get to enjoy half days for the rest of the week with Leo.

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