Introducing .... the latest feature!

We now have double decker buses here in DB. A bit of a novelty really as this 'enclave' is supposed to be an environmentally friendly resort hence no one has cars. There's public transport and 500 golf carts (which cost approx GBP180k) for the 17000 people who live here, classic demand and supply case. It's the license to own one that actually costs so much, not the actual golf cart itself.

ANYWAY, I'm rattling on because this doesn't seem very environmentally friendly to me. I'll have to find out if they're e-buses or not, as some others in DB are.

I was excited to see one anyway, and one of my favourite drivers, a lady nonetheless, was driving this one and she even gave me a peace sign, yay!

They'll only be doing the external routes out of DB, to Sunny Bay and Tung Chung.

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