Mum and Dad's garden.

I'm sure while the carer is away my folks - especially Dad - are doing way too much while I'm not around. I can't be there all the time. The carer is away on holiday for virtually the whole school holidays! 

My Dad freely admits that if she was here, she would put her foot down about the amount of work he's doing in his garden at the moment. I told him to get my cousin to help, but my Dad won't as he'd apparently take over and do it wrong! And he won't listen to me either! He doesn't do a lot while I'm visiting as he knows I'd pitch in too, and he wants it his way!

Their dog is not well either. She's getting on in years - 12, so quite old in doggy years! They will be lost without her when she snuffs it as they treat her like royalty!

Work tonight. The 4th week of full time. I wouldn't mind full time hours if they were not in the evening/night when I've had a full day already! I will be glad when the situation at work resolves itself one way or the other!

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