Goodbye Eigg

A wonderful day of sunshine and warmth all day long :)

Last day of the isle of Eigg and had to leave the guest house by 10am.  The owners  us a lift to the pier to drop off our bags and off we set to explore a bit more of the island.  We walked to the abandoned village on the south side of the island.  It was interesting to see but the ferns were too over grown for a right photo of the houses.  Back to the cafe for lunch and off I set again to have a look around the kirk and area.  On the ferry back to Mallaig, we saw more dolphins and a whale too but didn't get photos good enough.  Oh and I also saw bats outside the B&B last night :)  Back to the mainland and off to Glen Coe for the night, mam and dad are also in the same campsite too :)  I'll get to explore the Glen tomorrow :)

Last day on Eigg and last walks about the isle until next time :)  I've had a great trip on the isle and it's a must for me to return.  Walking back to the pier to catch the ferry, I passed this meadows with the forest behind and Da Sgurr that dominates the most of the isle, especially the south side.  Still can hardly believe I climbed to the top of that lump of rock :)

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