Night Moves

Annie set off early for a flight to Edinburgh to work. For me (Chris) an unusual commute to London, I drove all the way into the city and parked in Bloomsbury Square. No, I've not gone mad, I needed to get to Enfield promptly after work and this was the easiest way. Always an experience driving in Central London.

This evening I was at the Club Triumph 10 Countries Run drivers meeting. We're only 3.5 weeks away from the event so it was time to hand out route books, t-shirts and other driving instructions. All we need now is a fully operational car!

Despite being in the midst of the Edinburgh Fringe festival, Annie went for a quieter evening choosing the cinema and the film "Train Wreck". She shared the cinema with just three other viewers but really enjoyed the film.

I stopped close to home with a few more minutes of twilight remaining and rested the camera on the roof of the car to get this view across the Vale of Aylesbury.

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