
By pumpkin_a

Look who's 11 months old

Okay so this post is a few days late but the new school year has put me behind. I used lazy Sunday to do our photo shoot, which she was not in the mood for. She had to have bunny the while time and most of the pictures included her thumb in her mouth. She is now in daycare full time, eating more solids and even trying chunks of food not just purees, using both disposibles and cloth diapers and pulling herself up to stand and cruising. She has started practicing free standing but needs time to perfect it and babbles all the time. She says, "dog" and adores them. She is in 24 month clothing and naps twice a day, not well at daycare yet.

She can climb up on furniture, unless we catch her, and cries when she is not getting her way. She loves to destroy towers of anything and still only has four teeth though she is a chewing maniac right now. She loved vacation at Tahoe and acclimated quickly.

I don't think I need her to keep growing up so quickly.

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