Rusty, the Pygmy Goat

We had to go to a high school graduation open house. My wife Lisa made one of her famous broccoli salads. On the way there she asked me how much money to put in the card. "15 dollars", I replied. "C' much 40 or 50?"

When did open house money go from 20 bucks to 50? I didn't even want to know how much she put in. To make back part of our money...I had 3 slushy type drinks. Delicious...even though they make your tongue and lips red or blue.

We were real close to my sisters place. We called, and they were cleaning out the barn. We stopped to see how big the spring baby goats had grown.

They thought I was bringing them treats, so they wouldn't back away from the fence. So I got mostly head shots. They have such crazy eyes. Rectangles.

On my flickr page, I put in a few shots of the inside of the barn, and 1 more goat. Click on LARGE to see the freaky pupils.

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