in Flanders Fields 3; the Menin Gate

Who will remember, passing through this Gate,
The unheroic Dead who fed the guns?

Siegfried Sassoon; On passing the new Menin Gate

For once the selective colour filter on my compact camera is not just a gimmick - red among the sombre stonework.

This evening we mingle with the crowds at the Menin Gate for the Last Post ceremony.  Every evening at 8.00pm buglers from the local fire brigade sound the Last Post.  They’ve done this since 1928 - over 30,000 times.  Between 1940 and 1944, the ceremony moved to Brookwood Cemetery in Surrey.

Anniemay manages to get to the front of the crowd (see here).  I stay at the back. It’s an incredibly moving ceremony. 

someone remembers a fallen Canadian soldier
the crowd at the Gate

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