I am a blipper and I cheated. I did not take this image today.

After a quick trip to the shops I got home to find that a new geocache puzzle had been published. The puzzle involved using solve method from 10 of the owners previous caches. I solved the puzzled and then debated whether to do an hours round trip to the other side of the city to try and be the First to Find. But, it was tipping it down with rain & the owner had already warned me that the walk to the cache would be wet and muddy. As it was also approaching dark, I decided to go to bed early & get up in the morning to find it instead.

So off I went to bed and woke to see another cacher had beaten me to the FTF as she'd found the cache at approaching midnight, even she thought she was mad to do it.

It was sometime later on Friday morning that I realised I'd not taken a picture for today. Muppet. So, this is an image that I took a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to take a shot of the moon with my new lens & I was really pleased with this one but I chose to use a shot of the Olympic Torch for that day instead. I've been trying to photograph the moon ever since but it's been hiding behind clouds ever since.

So, forgive me fellow blippers for squeezing this shot in, I really didn't want a gap in my journal. I promise never to let myself get distracted by a geocache again!

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