
I know that this is taboo to use a shot from the day before but last night as the sun began to set the sky over the town turned a magnificent colour as you can see in my picture which I took from my back garden.

I hope not too many of you fell for my Red HOAX Warbler picture as there isn't any such bird. The bird in shot was a plastic affair that C uses in her Christmas door wreath & the nest ...well that is real & is an old Blackbirds nest... I know this because there are small pieces of egg shell in the nest which (if my Birds Nesting years as a boy) serves me well is indeed Blackbird.

It is a nice morning & my feet are up. Just awaiting my woman to put my socks on for me & then I will be fit .......to drop !

On this day in 1561 Mary Queen of Scots returned home after 13 years living in France & in 1989 Radio Caroline was raided by English & Dutch government officials.....if you don't know; Radio Caroline was a Pirate Radio Station based on a ship (actually there were 3)  "parked" in International waters. EVERYONE including myself used to tune into it ....

Finally ....in the USA, today is National Aviation Day.

This really is the final thing - something to make thee laugh....


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